Home automation for the disabled is changing lives

Home automation for disabled persons is being used to enhance lifestyles.
Smart home systems for disabled Australians are enhancing independence and changing the way people experience the home.
Using a combination of internet-equipped devices, home automation technologies, and entertainment systems, smart homes are making the lives of disabled Australians and their carers simpler, fuller and more autonomous.
Here's how.
Home automation for the disabled
Living with a disability poses unique challenges.
Today, more than ever home automation technologies are being used to meet people's unique situations and abilities.
Here are some examples of common ways that home automation and smart homes for disabled persons are being used to enhance lifestyles.
- Limited mobility: For those with limited mobility lights, blinds, heating, and more can be automated and operated with the touch of a few buttons via an individual's smartphone or tablet computer.
- Sensory disabilities: For people with limited hearing, vision or spatial awareness, voice operated devices or devices with pre-programmed commands can take the difficulty out of everyday tasks.
- Intellectual disabilities: One touch shower systems, automatic bedding and cooking systems are giving persons living with an intellectual disability and their carers greater independence and freedom.
Home automation for the disabled can be tailored to match individual needs. So, while an 'off the shelf' package may not be appropriate, a custom solution can be developed.
Off the shelf (OTS) systems such as Amazon Echo and the Apple-powered Homekit are gaining popularity overseas and are just now becoming available in Australia.
While these systems are comparatively quick and easy to install, they lack many of the benefits of a fully integrated home automation solution.
They may also be less dependable. Therefore, in situations where technologies are relied upon for everyday use, we would not recommend an OTS system as a viable alternative to home automation.
Smart home technology for disabled persons

Home automation systems can be used to meet people's unique living situations.
At Integrated Technologies Australia (ITA) we install a range of smart home technology for disabled persons. Everything from entertainment systems to assisted-living technologies.
We craft systems that match individual needs and tastes. Our solutions enhance home-living and help people to live their lives to the fullest, whatever their situation.
Some common technologies we implement include:
- Internet enabled devices
- Audio visual entertainment equipment
- Intercom and phone systems
- One touch controls
We find that something as simple as internet connectivity can make a big difference.
Email, online video chat and social media make it simpler than ever to connect with family and friends. While bills, shopping and home businesses can all be managed online.
The goal with smart homes for disabled persons is to create spaces that cater to people's needs and lifestyles, while improving overall independence and quality of life.
"More than ever home automation is being used to meet people's unique situations and abilities"
For carers and family members
In instances where people require full-time care or assistance, we offer a range of systems that help the person with a disability, their carers and family members.
- Motorised beds and chairs: Can be implemented to assist carers with mobility, while reducing the chance of injuries associated with lifting.
- Automated bathroom facilities: Showers and basins can be equipped with automatic temperatures and one touch controls to make personal grooming easier.
- Security and CCTV: These systems can be implemented for greater peace of mind and ease of access to emergency services should the need arise.
Smart homes for disabled persons can enhance the lives of the whole family. They can enrich lifestyles and make caring for a family member with a disability easier.
At ITA we have experience installing home automation for returned soldiers, who have acquired a disability during the course of their service.
For more information regarding home automation for veterans, speak with an ITA technician.
Quality of life

Smart home systems for disabled persons can provide greater independence.
Ultimately, home automation for the disabled is about enhancing quality of life.
Smart home systems for disabled persons and carers provide greater independence and freedom. They make connecting with others simpler and completing everyday tasks effortless.
Home automation technologies can be packaged and implemented to suit specifics needs. This means that solutions can be tailored to match individual requirements.
Whether you need technologies for greater mobility, ease of home-living, or enhancement of lifestyle, there's a smart home solution to suit you.
Home automation technologies can be packaged and implemented to suit specifics needs.
More information smart homes and home automation
To get specific information regarding your situation or home automation needs, contact the team at ITA. Our technicians can answer any queries you may have regarding smart homes for disabled persons.
Alternatively, for more information on any of the products listed above, including automated technologies, Internet-enabled devices, or security systems follow the link below.
Read more about home automation.
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