Smart home information for Melbourne homeowners

What is home automation?

Home automation means using technology to automate or remotely control various household functions. For example, the operation of lighting, heating or entertainment devices. This typically requires the install of dedicated wiring and computers.

What you need to know:

  1. The purpose of home automation is to make homes simpler, better, or more accessible.
  2. Just about every aspect of the home can be automated, if you can imagine it, it may be possible.
  3. Home automation is not one technology, it's the integration of multiple technologies into one system.

Common uses of home automation

Also known as 'smart homes', homes equipped with home automation technologies offer a range of features. Common uses include:

Remote climate control

climate room aircon

Control the temperature of your home via your smartphone from anywhere with an internet connection. Turn on the heat ten minutes before you arrive home from work and walk into a perfectly warm home.

Programmable events

programmable lighting

Program your lights, heating, and/or entertainment system to turn on automatically at a certain time. So you can wake up in the morning to a pre-lit, pre-heated bathroom with your favourite radio station playing.

Energy efficiency

climate control banner

Energy management systems allow homeowners to target energy usage and to reduce energy waste. This lets people only heat and light rooms in use, while automatically switching off systems in unused rooms.

These are just a few examples of what is possible with home automation. The beauty of modern automation systems is that they can be tailored to match the user requirements, whatever they may be.

Is that possible? Speak to your specialists in home automation in Melbourne. To ask about your individual requirements click here.

Home automation: the basic components

As stated above, home automation isn't just one technology, it's the combination of multiple technologies combined to create one coherent system.

Broadly speaking, these components can be broken up into two categories: necessary and optional.


Smart wiring

Home entertainment

Control systems

Streaming services

Internet connectivity

Smart lighting


Think of your smart wiring and control systems as the backbone of your home automation.

These necessary components are integrated into your home. They lay the foundation for your system.

Home entertainment devices, streaming services, lighting products, and the like are all added on top of these foundations to meet your individual requirements.

Who uses home automation

Home automation is used by a wide range of people for a variety of purposes, including:

1. People who just want a better home
Home automation is primarily used by people who just want a better, more connected, and more easily accessible home. Whether for simplification of everyday tasks, enhancing of entertainment experiences, or security, home automation makes home better.

2. People with a disability
Home automation is also ideal for people living with a disability. In these cases, automation can help people to gain additional independence while enhancing ease of living. More information on smart homes for people with a disability.

3. Elderly Australians
Home automation can also be used to help elderly Australians to retain their independence as they grow older and require more assistance with home living. This can be a good option for carers too. More information on smart homes for elderly Australians.

Find out more about home automation

Want to find out more about smart home technology? The team at ITA are your specialists in home automation in Melbourne. We can answer any queries you may have.

Find more information on our home automation page or call 03 9761 8700