Home automation and construction go hand in hand
What consumers expect from home automation and builders
Home automation has never been more important to Australian consumers. Many smart home technologies are now expected as standard features in homes, and new homes which do not offer them are increasingly seen as inefficient, poorly design or lacking in features.
Conversely, the relationship between home automation and builders has become increasingly difficult, as smart home technologies have evolved and become more sophisticated. It is now virtually impossible for non-specialists to understand and design technology systems that integrate seamlessly with new homes.
This is why, when it comes to home automation and construction, more and more builders are partnering with integrated technology companies to satisfy consumer demands.
That's where we at Integrated Technologies Australia (ITA) come in. We're experts in home automation and construction. We assist builders with all their smart home technology and energy management needs.
Full details on our Home Automation for Builders page.
How ITA works with builders
At ITA, we have a unique business model which is focused on assisting builders in creating specific technology offerings. Offerings which cater to all client requirements and which are able to be seamlessly integrated into the wider building process.

We advise starting with a consultation in the early stages of design, so home automation and construction can go hand in hand from the word go. This will avoid potentially difficult and costly adding of smart home technology later on after the initial building has been undertaken.
In this consultation, we take builders through the entire smart home integration process. We have the knowledge and industry accreditations to advise on complete technology solutions which include appropriate energy management considerations. This means builders can get a full picture regarding home automation and what is required, all in one place, from one specialist organisation.
Why consult ITA regarding home automation and builders
In our experience, whenever a builder has worked with us, beginning in the early stages, they have always been thankful for our assistance. They regularly highlight our attention to detail and forethought in helping their project run smoothly, on time, and on budget.
We can assist you with:
- Developing a complete home automation solution
- Implementing energy management technologies
- Ensuring home security is installed
Our expert team provide advice and support across all areas of home automation and construction. Whatever your goals and clients, we can detail a smart home solution which matches your needs, circumstances and budget.
Example of where we've worked with builders
Here are some examples of where we at ITA have worked with builders in order to deliver a complete solution. In all of these instances, we were engaged at the early stages. This meant that we were able to provide exactly what the clients wanted.
In every one of these cases, the builders received continuous support and information throughout the project, all the way from the initial install to completion and handover to the client.
The builders were also impressed by our diligence and willingness to go the extra mile in order to ensure that all work was completed fully and properly to the letter.
Risks of not implementing home automation early on
In situations where we at ITA were not originally involved, clients regularly contact us, later on, to help them to achieve a level of technology functionality which they were expecting but did not receive due to not having a home automation partner.
Unfortunately, the setbacks we face when joining a project late or after the home's completion are often significant and costly to the client.

This is because adding smart home technologies after the completion of the home can mean repairing and adding cabling where plaster is already on the walls, through to a total redesign and install of a system that will provide the client with what they thought they were getting in the first place.
Alternatively, by enlisting our services early on, we will be able to work with you through the entire home automation process. From the initial planning of the system to design and installation. Should you have any queries during the entire process, you can always contact us for guidance.
By contracting a smart home specialist from day 1, you can ensure that you're covered for all the technology requirements you may face during the construction of your building project. You can rest assured knowing that you have an expert on board to handle any issues that may surface.
Avoid 'free quotes'. Get a real assessment instead.
Some builders have a technology partner that offers free quotes on technology solutions.
The problem with this method is that to quote accurately a system must first be designed. This takes time to get right and to ensure the client is quoted for exactly what they want. If it is done for free, then the appropriate time is regularly not spent to get the design right.
At ITA, we overcome this by offering clients a step by step process that enables the appropriate time to design a system which will deliver exactly what it is the client wants.
In terms of home automation and builders, it's always better to get a full assessment.
"At ITA, we have a unique business model which is focused on assisting builders."
Thinking home automation and construction? Think ITA.
At ITA, we're the experts in helping builders and clients with home automation. Whatever your project, we can help you to integrate a complete smart home solution, which satisfies all consumer demands.
Unsure of where to start with home automation? Contact us today and speak with a specialist about how we could help you. We're always available for advice and support regarding smart home technologies.
Find out more on our Home Automation for Builders page or call 03 9761 8700
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